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Viewing Verbatims

If a project file has been used to hold verbatims these can be viewed from any table. Simply select a particular cell, row or column within the table and view the comments made by those respondents whose answers are captured in that range. For example, if you are analysing what people liked about an advert by age, and you select the cell showing a particular aspect by those aged 25 - 35, U-Tab displays a list of the actual comments made by these 25 - 35 year olds.
To view the verbatims:
  • Locate the cursor in the cell that defines the group of respondents whose verbatims you wish to view
  • Right click to reveal a pop-up menu
  • Select View verbatims. (Note: If this option is greyed out, there are no verbatims for this particular variable)
    If there are verbatims coded to that variable these will be displayed in a Verbatim window.

    You can now copy the verbatims to another program (such as MS-Word) and print them from there.
    To close the Verbatim window click the Done button.
    Viewing ALL verbatims
    This option allows you view, from any table, all the verbatims made by a sub-set of respondents. The set of respondents is defined by one of the cells in the table.
    To view the verbatims:
  • Locate the cursor in the cell that defines the group of respondents whose verbatims you wish to view
  • Right click to reveal a pull-down menu
  • Select View all verbatims. (Note: If this option is greyed out, there are no verbatims in the entire project file)
    The titles of all the questions containing comments will appear in a check-list to the right hand side of the Verbatim window. To select verbatims for only some of the questions listed:
  • uncheck those questions that you do not want reported
  • Click Done 
  • Re-produce the verbatims by right clicking on the appropriate cell and selecting View all verbatims again
    Copying verbatims

    To copy the verbatims into another program, click the Copy to clipboard button. This will place the verbatims on the Windows Clip-board from where they can be pasted as normal.