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Exporting tables

U-Tab tables can be exported into MS-Excel preserving full text formatting. Fonts and cell sizes are duplicated in Excel so that your exported table looks as near as possible to the original U-Tab table. Click the Export icon on the toolbar to export your current table to Microsoft Excel.

If you don't want formats to be applied to your Excel file uncheck the retain formats checkboxes on the Export and printing tab in the Options screen.

Note that Excel has a limit of 256 columns to a sheet. If your table has too many banner points you can either transpose the table before exporting, or hide some of your columns and export the table in sections.
U-Tab provides a number of exporting options, to:
  • export the current table or
  • export one table for each of the variables in the project file, or
  • to export a selection of tables or
  • export the current table to a tab-delimited file.
    Exporting the current table to Excel
  • Select Table|Export
  • Short cut key: F12
  • Tool bar icon:
    This will open MS Excel (provided it is installed on your PC), open a new workbook and create two sheets. The first sheet will have information about the source of the data, for future reference, and the second will contain the table.
    If you create a second table and export that, U-Tab will export the table to a new worksheet in the existing workbook.
    If you wish to export your table without retaining the format of the original, then, before you export:
  • Select Go|View Options
  • Tool bar icon:
  • The options dialogue box will open.
  • Select the Exporting and Printing tab
  • Customise the export option by checking or unchecking the two Export to Excel options.
    Note that Excel has a limit of 256 columns to a sheet. If your table has too many banner points you can either transpose the table before exporting, or hide some of your columns and export the table in sections.
    Exporting multiple tables to Excel
    This option will export a continuous selection of tables using the banner and any user-defined bases of the current table. To use this option you will need to know the numbers of the first and last tables in the sequence of tables you wish to export.
  • Select Table|Export multiple tables to excel to display first a warning, then the Multiple export dialogue box
  • Enter the number of the first and the last table you wish to export, separated by a colon. 
    Exporting tables for all variables to Excel
    To export to Excel one table of results for each of the variables in the project file:
  • Select Table|Export All
    U-Tab will open MS Excel, open a new workbook, and, for each variable listed in the variable index, open a new worksheet and export a table for that variable on to the new worksheet. The banner used for each table will be the banner of the table currently displayed when the option is selected.
    Export the current table to a tab-delimited file
    This option allows you to export the current table to a spreadsheet or database program other than MS Excel or MS Access, but which does allow you to import a tab-delimited file.
    To export the current table: 
  • Select Table|Save table to tab file
    The table will be saved as a .tab file in the same directory that contains the project file.